
Just the Beginning for AI & Science

Something very exciting is happening right now across the landscape of the physical and mathematical sciences: we are finally starting …

Making a Mask with an E-Ink Banner

We wear masks out in public so often it occurred to me we should be able to dynamically customize them to suit our moods and maybe even …

Dynamic Programming with Python dataclasses and joblib

Starting in Python 3.7, the module dataclasses introduces a decorator that allows us to create immutable structures (like tuples) but …

Serverless Distributed Decision Forests with AWS Lambda

Within the team in GE Digital, we have monthly "edu-hackdays" where the entire tech team spends the entire day trying to learn …

Darwinistic Pressure in the Land of Cryptocurrency

For many just waking up to the burgeoning land of programmable decentralized value and trust, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are …

Towards Cost-Optimized Artificial Intelligence

If accuracy improves with more computation, why not throw in more time, people, hardware, and the concomitant energy costs? Seems …

Cache Ugly Reporting Queries With Materialized Views and Docker

Confidence and trust …

Make Docker images Smaller with This Trick

The architectural and organizational/process advantages of containerization (eg., via Docker) are commonly known. However, in …

Celebrating Day 1 of the Gravitational Wave Era

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away two black holes with combined masses about 65 times that of the Sun violently merged. That …

Let's Kill the Transparent Moon

TL;DR: The depiction of the Moon as transparent is rampant in our society. If you see it, Tweet it out with #transparentmoon. Together …