Supernova 2005de in UGC 11097


R. J. Foley, D. Perley, J. S. Bloom, University of California, Berkeley; and J. X. Prochaska, University of California, Santa Cruz, report that inspection of CCD spectra (range 390-1000 nm), obtained on Aug. 4.34 UT with the Keck II 10-m telescope (+ ESI), shows that SN 2005de (cf. IAUC 8580) is of type Ia, resembling SN 1992A (Kirshner et al. 1993, Ap.J. 415, 589) at a few days before maximum brightness. Adopting a redshift of 4481 km/s (from Na D absorption lines in the spectrum), the expansion velocity of Si II (rest 635.5 nm) is about 13300 km/s.

IAU Circulars